
About AOF



Marsh v Baxter GM canola appeal outcome

This morning, the WA Supreme Court upheld an earlier decision, dismissing organic grower Steve Marsh's $85,000 damages claim against GM canola grower, Mike Baxter.

This morning, the WA Supreme Court upheld an earlier decision, dismissing organic grower Steve Marsh's $85,000 damages claim against GM canola grower, Mike Baxter.

Malcolm McCusker, representing Mr Marsh, detailed in the appeal hearings in March that this case had nothing to do with the safety of growing GM crops, but rather, was about whether two farming systems can co-exist.

Matthew Cossey, CEO of CropLife reiterated today that all Australian farmers should have choice to grow any approved crop on their land using any farming method they chose, and should not have to change their farming methods because of ".. unreasonable, unworkable and internationally inconsistent " organic certification rules.

While there are no winners and losers in this case between two neighbouring farmers, the AOF is pleased with the outcome reaffirming the long standing tradition of coexistence of all farming methods. The onus is now on the organic industry to ensure their certification standards are consistent with both international standards as well as supporting the principle of coexistence.

Contact: Nick Goddard

Phone: 02 80077553
