
Conferences /



ARAB 2011 Conference Proceedings

MONDAY 15th August

Field and Laboratory Tour - Ray Cowley

TUESDAY 16th August

Session 1: Breeding & Genetics

Chair: Brondwen MacLean (GRDC)

Don McCaffery, John Harvey: Welcome and Opening
Ray Cowley: Chlorophyll fluorescence as a method to detect moisture-limiting stress in canola
David Luckett: Carbon isotope discrimination in canola: the effect of reduced water availability in a rain-out shelter experiment
Asaduzzaman:  Allelopathy in canola - potential for weed management
Brett McVittie: Mapping of the locus associated with tolerance to high manganese in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
Annisa:Global genetic diversity of Brassica rapa
Chen Sheng: Two distinct genetic diversity groups of oilseed Brassica juncea in both China and India

Session 2: Breeding & Genetics

Chair: Phil Salisbury

Rod Snowdon: Keynote Address — Public-private interaction for research related to oilseed rape breeding in Germany
Wallace Cowling: Towards genomic analysis in canola multi-environment trials
Rosy Raman: Genome-wide association analyses of loci for shatter resistance in Brassicas
Shanoor Hossain:Shatter-resistant canola germplasm from interspecific hybridization – a progress report
Neil Fettell: Profitable broadleaf crop sequencing in South Eastern Australia
Heping Zhang:Genotype x environment interaction of canola (Brassica napus L.) in multi-environment trials
Chen Sheng: Distinct patterns of additive and non-additive effect as revealed by MET FA models with … Australia, China and India

Session 3: Pathology & Entomology

Chair: Wallace Cowling

Harsh Raman: Blackleg resistance in rapeseed: phenotypic screen, molecular markers and genome-wide linkage and association mapping
Ravjit Khangura: Dynamics of fungal diseases of canola in Western Australia
Angela Van De Wouw: Exploiting the Genome Sequence of Leptosphaeria maculans to minimise blackleg disease of canola
Steve Marcroft: Rotation of blackleg resistance sources to minimise disease severity in canola (Brassica napus)
Vicki Elliott: Foliar fungicide for blackleg control
Leigh Jenkins: Managing aphids in flowering canola in central west NSW

Session 4: Pathology & Entomology / General

Chair: Harsh Raman

Ravjit Khangura: Yield losses from blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) in canola varieties under moderate disease pressure
Heping Zhang: Yield formation of canola (Brassica napus) and associated traits in the high rainfall zone
Trent Potter, Nick Goddard: Latest international developments in canola - updates from IRC and Canola Council
Don McCaffery: Future of ARAB

WEDNESDAY 17th August

Session 5: Quality & End-use

Chair: Trent Potter

Graham King: Keynote Address — The contribution of genomic approaches to resolving genotype x environment interactions in Brassica crops
Jamie Ayton: Trends in quality of canola grown in Australia
Siong Tan: Extraction and residual antinutritional components in protein fractions of Sinapis alba and Brassica napus oil-free meals
Adeola Alashi: Improving the emulsifying properties of canola meal protein isolate by enzymatic modification
James Petri: Engineered canola oil: a sustainable source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA

Session 6: Agronomy

Chair: Don McCaffery

John Angus: A review of break-crop benefits of Brassicas
Tony Swan: Potential impacts of subsoil constraints on canola productivity in southern NSW
James Hunt: Finding an agro-ecological niche for juncea canola
Trent Potter: Brassica juncea in South Australia, where will it be grown and how does it fit into rotations?
Rohan Brill: Time of sowing of Brassicas in central west NSW
Peter Martin: Response of canola to wider row spacing in southern New South Wales
Rob Norton: Balanced nutrition in Brassica napus production with emphasis on S fertilizer requirements
Tauhid Khan: Comparing N and S sources to improve yield and nutrient efficiency in canola cropping systems in SE Australia

Session 7: Agronomy

Chair: David Luckett

Cameron Beeck: The development of a bivariate mixed model approach for the analysis of plant survival data
Alison Smith: Update on statistical methods for NVT
Nigel Wilhelm: Selection of canola lines for low rainfall environment in south eastern Australia
James Neilsen: A comparison of Roundup Ready, Clearfield and triazine tolerant canola systems, Skipton, Victoria 2010
Kathi Hertel: Windrowing canola - current industry practices & perceptions

Session 8: Agronomy

Chair: Rob Wilson

Penny Riffkin: High yields and quality are achieved from European canola types grown in the high rainfall zone of SW Victoria
Deirdre Lemerle: Manipulating canola agronomy for weed suppression
Jeff McCormick: Exploring opportunities for dual-purpose canola in SE Australia using crop simulation models