Australian Oilseeds Federation

Australian Oilseeds Industry

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Quality of Australian Canola

Australian Canola is recognised and highly sought after around the world for its consistent high quality.  Australian exporters promote the quality benefits of Australian canola seed, oil and meal which enables them to differentiate their product in a commoditised market place.

Canola Quality Export Brochure

Each year the AOF, in conjunction with the NSW DPI, publishes ‘The Quality of Australian Canola’, which provides a detailed breakdown of key canola quality attributes from the most recent harvest.

Measures of oil, protein, glucosinolate levels and fatty acid breakdown are recorded by primary receival site and/or port zone, and weighted to give a state and national average.

The Quality of Australian Canola’ publication provides the industry with a valuable resource database for ongoing comparison and review of Australian canola quality.

** NEW ** Quality of Australian Canola – 2022/23  (Member only access)

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