Australian Oilseeds Federation

Conferences / Workshops

2010 Canola Pathology Workshop

Session I:  What’s happening in the east?

Kurt Lindbeck: NSW Pathology Activities
Angela Van de Wouw: Identification of resistance genes in Australian canola cultivars through development of a differential set of blackleg isolates
Trent Potter: How much yield loss is caused by Blackleg?
Barb Howlett: Staying Ahead of Blackleg
Phil Salisbury: Update on developing germplasm with blackleg resistance – NBGIP report

Session II:  What’s happening in the west?

Martin Barbetti: Sclerotinia and white rust in WA – five years of research
Ravjit Khangura: DAFWA Pathology activities
Moin Salam: Decision support models for canola diseases

Session III:  New projects

Robyn Heath: Antifungal strategies being developed by Hexima
James McKenna: Bioassays for disease resistance in transgenic canola
Harsh Raman: Update on molecular marker project

Session IV:  Delivery to Growers

Steve Marcroft: National extension package to control blackleg

Session V:  Issues and Actions

Summary of Issues

Session VI:  GRDC initiative to estimate cost of disease to the oilseed Brassica industry

Gordon Murray / John Brennan: Estimating disease losses to the Australian oilseed industries

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