Australian Oilseeds Federation

Conferences / Workshops

ARAB 2009 Conference Proceedings

MONDAY 14th September

Field Tour – Visiting Goldacres (Ballarat), Lunch Dunkeld, Field tour or variety and agronomic sites
Registration and pre-dinner drinks
Welcome BBQ dinner at Argentinian Grill, Mercure Hotel, Ballarat (Sponsored by GRDC)

TUESDAY 15th September

Wayne Burton:Conference House Keeping & Welcome
Brondwen MacLean:GRDC overview

Session 1: Brassica Challenges and Perspectives

Chair: Brondwen MacLean (GRDC)

Trent Potter:Situation statement for oilseed Brassica production in Australia
Arvind Kumar:Canola cultivation in India- Scenario and future strategy
Wang Hanzhong:China progress and future directions
Phil Salisbury:Oilseed Brassica improvement in China, India and Australia
MORNING TEA AND POSTERS (Sponsored by Nuseed)

Session 2: Agronomy for the changing climate

Chair: Rob Norton

Ben O’Connor:Canopy management evaluation in Canola 2008
Jeff McCormick:Dual purpose canola – possibility or pipedream?
Mohammad Amjad:Agronomic performance of new open-pollinated and hybrid canola cultivars to time of sowing in Western Australia
James Neilsen:The impact of Roundup Ready® canola on the Australian Oilseed Industry
Penny Riffkin:The potential of winter canola types in the high rainfall zone of southern Australia
LUNCH & POSTERS (Sponsored by ScanBi Diagnostics)

Session 3: Diseases

Chair: Barbara Howlett (University of Melbourne)

Dilantha Fernando: (University of Manitoba)Keynote Address — “Disease issues – priority research areas in North America”
Rajender Singh:Impact of sclerotinia stem rot on quality of Brassica juncea
Dhiraj Singh:Comparison of Sclerotinia rot incidence and sclerotial formation in different rapeseed and mustard species
Raj Kushal:Physiological specialization, host resistance and epidemiology of white rust and downy mildew disease complex in rapeseed and mustard – the research scenario in Haryana
Ajit Rathi:Integrated management of Alternaria blight and white rust in Indian mustard
Vicki Elliot:Leptosphaeria biglobosa canadensis‘ isolate induced resistance in Brassica juncea and Brassica napus against Leptosphaeria maculans
AFTERNOON TEA (Sponsored by Monsanto)

Session 4: Quality in the changing climate

Chair: Rod Mailer (AOF, NSW DPI)

Alan Green (CSIRO):Keynote Address — “Changing Oils”
Kamal Dhawan:High temperature induced changes in antioxidative enzymes in Brassica juncea
Abha Agnihotri:Genetic enhancement in rapeseed- mustard for quality and disease resistance through in vitro techniques
RS Banga:Quality and yield of Indian mustard genotypes as influenced by different fertility levels
Shashi K Banga:Breeding canola quality Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
Jan Edwards:The effect of sowing time on the yield and quality of canola Brassica napus – preliminary findings
Wayne Burton:Conference House Keeping

Pre-dinner drinks

Conference Dinner (Sponsored by AOF)

WEDNESDAY 16th September

Session 5: Breeding and Agronomy successes and challenges for the future

Chair: Rob Wilson (CAA and Pioneer Hi-Bred)

Don McCaffery:Brassica juncea – critical agronomy factors for the low rainfall zone of western NSW
Madan Lal Chhabra:Phytohormone induced amelioration of high temperature stress in Brassica juncea
JS Chauhan:Heat stress effects on morpho-physiological characters of Indian mustard (B. juncea L.)
Maharaj Singh:Drought induced changes in water use efficiency and other morpho- physiological characters in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
Gururaj Kadkol:Brassica shatter-resistance research update
Trent Potter:Comparison of historical canola varieties in Australia
MORNING TEA (Sponsored by Pioneer Hi-Bred)

Session 6: Hybrid breeding successes and challenges for the future

Chair: Greg Buzza (Nuseed)

Wang Hanzhong:Heterosis and breeding of high oil content in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
Ma Chaozhi:A promising way to produce B. napus hybrid seeds by self-incompatibility pollination mating system
Hu Qiong:Development of a restorer line for Nsa CMS and molecular marker linked to the fertility restoration
Fu Tingdong:Considerations on heterosis utilization in rapeseed (Brassica napus)

Session 7: Molecular Breeding for the changing climate

Chair: David Luckett (NSW DPI)

Surinder Banga:An alternate procedure for re-synthesis of Brassica juncea
Sheng Chen:Allelic diversity of a novel Brassica napus gene pool
Jacquie Batley:Genetic and morphological diversity in the Brassicas and wild relatives
Chris Duran:Sequencing and re-sequencing Brassica genomes
Angela Van de Wouw:Determining frequencies of avirulence alleles in airborne inoculum of Leptosphaeria maculans using molecular assays
Wallace Cowling:Towards the application of association genetics to canola breeding
Harsh Raman:The Australian Canola Molecular Marker Program-An Update on mapping loci controlling resistance to blackeg in canola
AFTERNOON TEA (sponsored by CBWA)

Session 8: Diseases and agronomy for the future

Chair: Alan Mayfield (GRDC southern Panel)

Barbara Howlett:Exploiting fungal genome sequences to develop novel approaches to disease control
Steve Marcroft:Potential new management strategies for blackleg control
Pankaj Sharma:Search for resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in exotic and indigenous Brassica germplasm
Aanandini Ganesalingam:Long-term analysis of Australian canola variety resistance ratings 2002-2008
Felicity Pritchard:Better Oilseeds: Getting the message out
Wayne Burton:Closing Address: Award of CBWA prize for Best Student Presentation

Poster Papers

J. Sergio Moroni:Quantifying the impact of high manganese (Mn) on canola under field conditions
J. Sergio Moroni:Variation in Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) in canola germplasm
J. Sergio Moroni:Measuring ‘wilting’ and ‘pod density’ of canola genotypes with an optical sensor unit (GreenSeeker)
J. Sergio Moroni:Carbon isotope discrimination in diverse canola germplasm
Arvind Kumar:Eco-friendly management of Sclerotinia rot in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea)
Shyama R. Weerakoon:Production and confirmation of hybrids through interspecific crossing between tetraploid B. juncea and diploid B. oleracea towards a hexaploid Brassica population
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