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Australian Sunflower Association

Australian Sunflower Association

ormed in 1976, the Australian Sunflower Association (ASA) operates as a sub-committee of the AOF.  It’s objectives are to:

  • Promote the Australian Sunflower industry
  • Assist in organising seminars and workshops
  • Foster sunflower research and extension
  • Coordinate and work with other similar industry associations, both domestically and internationally.

The Australian Sunflower Association acts as a voice for all sectors of the industry and assists growers to capitalise on new developments and opportunities. The ASA aims to develop grower confidence in all sunflower types through high yields and sunflowers’ contribution to more profitable farming systems.

Key activities and publications undertaken and supported by the ASA include:

Membership of the ASA consists of growers, researchers and personnel from all facets of the industry. These include the seed industry, crushing, refining, manufacturing, merchandising organisations and private agronomic advisers.

Sunflower Marketing Guide

The Sunflower Marketing Guide is produced annually by the Australian Sunflower Association with the cooperation of industry. It provides a ‘one stop shop’ for growers to identify various marketing options for their crop, and the specific technical and quality attributes various buyers are looking for. Contact details for each participating buyer are also listed on the back page.

Download the current marketing guide.

Australian Sunflower Association

Canola in Australia


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